Monday, August 17, 2009

Know your committee ... Janine Eriksson

Name: Janine Eriksson

Where do you live?: Macquarie Park
Current church?: Pennant Hills Baptist
How long you've been a Christian?: 30+ years

A very short version of you coming to Christ: Have believed in Jesus for nearly as long as I can remember, having been sent to Sunday School by my parents.

Favourite colour: Green
First Pet: Pug Dog
Favourite chocolate biscuit: Caramel Crown
A children's book: The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton
Worse sound: Nails on a Blackboard
Favourite way to relax: Sleeping In (although I haven't done that for a very long time)
A word you overuse: My son's name
The last thing you think of before falling asleep: What I need to do the next day.

Your role at wkc: Co-ordinator of the Mothers' Room.

We need your help!

There's a lot that goes into running a big convention like wkc. Lots of behind the scenes work, organisation, booklets, food orders, set up, set down, cooking food, cleaning the place - and this is all before the convention starts.

We are so very thankful to the many women (and men) who help us from year to year with volunteering at the convention itself.

With this in mind: wkc weekend #1 and #2 need your help.

If your women's group is coming along to our wonderful convention, what are you men up to for the weekend?

We need some help for parking attendants and other help for each weekend.

We're reaching out to ask if you can ask around your church and see if anyone is available to help out.
Please contact Mabel at kcc head office on 1300 737 140

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Meet your commitee ... Ngaire Moore

Name:  Ngaire (pronounced "Nyree") Moore
Living in: Lidcombe
Current church: Strathfield Presbyterian
How long you've been a Christian: 28 years

A very short version of you coming to Christ: Became an atheist at 18. At 21, my fiance of one week became a Christian. Despite my conclusion that I would not become a Christian did so after six months reading New Testament and John Stott on the long train trips from Newtown to Merrylands.

Favourite colour: Blue
First Pet: A rabbit
Favourite chocolate biscuit: Wheatons becase they have fibre in them so therefore healthy
A children's book: Ping the Duck
Worse sound there is: "There's something I have been meaning to talk to you about"
A word you overuse: sorry
The last thing you think of before falling asleep: how the heck will I get through everything tomorrow

Your role at wkc: Bookshop co ordinator (the irony being that I find it hard to read in any co ordinated fashion).

See you up there at Katoomba this September Ngaire

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Where do we come from?

Look up wikipedia and 'woman' as a concept boils down to this:

Mitochondrial Eve
Mitochondrial Eve (mt-mrca) is the name given by researchers to the woman who is defined as the matrilineal most recent common ancestor (MRCA) for all currently living humans. Passed down from mother to offspring, her mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is now found in all living humans: all mtDNA in every living person is derived from hers. Mitochondrial Eve is the female counterpart of Y-chromosomal Adam, the patrilineal most recent common ancestor, although they lived at different times.

Mitochondrial Eve is believed to have lived about 170,000 years ago, or roughly 8,000 generations ago. This places her shortly after the speciation of Homo sapiens sapiens and the emergence of the first anatomically modern humans. Mitochondrial Eve would have been roughly contemporary with humans whose fossils have been found in Ethiopia near the Omo river and at Hertho....

All living humans can trace their ancestry back to the MRCA via at least one of their parents, but Mitochondrial Eve is defined via the maternal line. Therefore, she necessarily lived at least as long, though likely much longer, ago than the MRCA of all humanity.

Do we simply boil down to a genetic trait of DNA? Is that all the we are designed for, to be generation after generation of women?

Or is there something more in our design? Why has God made us? For what purpose have God designed us the way we are?

Book your tickets for wkc this September and find out why we are Designer Women.